Friday, February 20, 2009

A very Interesting and Challenging Lesson

Video and movie making with the use of Windows Movie Maker???? How amazing, interesting and a little bit challenging. I learned the worthy uses of WMM, it's different parts like the monitor, story board, movie task pane, toolbars, etc. I also learned how to drag the pictures and how to put transitions and effects to the pictures. And also putting a title and lyrics on the video we are making as a group, you just need to click on the Edit Movie of the movie task pane then type what you need to type and click on the add a title on the page below.

WMM is my favorite among all the lessons in ICT because movie making is a challenging and a hard one activity so there's still a room for problems I encountered such as the unavoidable hanging up of our exercises we are doing, the need of more time to research lyrics and to upload pictures and music.

How do I addressed those problems? Through the assistance of our beloved ICT teacher, Mrs. Vera Cruz and with the help of my expert classmates in the field of WMM, nothing is impossible to solve! We have learned and finished it rightfully and successfully. And as the saying goes: Patience is the key to everything and therefore I conclude that without having the patience of doing such activity.... you can never finish it properly.

Moving on....I'll be more patient and inquisitive on seeking more knowledge about WMM because I believe I can use it in the future because of the course I am going to take up. And maybe someday, somehow....I'll be a vatican movie director someday or music composer where WMM is very important tool I can apply. But who knows what lies ahead????